Enjoy Galician gastronomy

An exquisite and artisan cuisine is the mainstay of the offering from the kitchens at Casa San Ginés, made from typical Galician raw materials that are produced locally, using recipes based on deep-rooted family tradition and others belonging to the likes of Picadillo, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Alvaro Cunqueiro, Marquesa de Paravere…

‘Galo de Corral’ or Free Range Capon, a typical dish from Vila de Cruces, is reared on the farm itself alongside ducks, hens and geese that guarantee we have our own premium quality eggs. These eggs are an excellent base for the varied confectionery we make ourselves and which is served at breakfast (sponge cake, brioche, ‘manguitos’, ‘mostachones’, cookies, pastries…) or to make desserts (nougat ice cream with hot chocolate, tocinillo de cielo caramel dessert, flan, pavlova, cottage cheese mousse with strawberry coulis, filloas Galician crepes…).

We cannot forget the homegrown produce used to make hearty Galician stews, vegetable pies, filloas (Galician crepes) filled with spinach and bechamel sauce or turnip green pies with fried eggs.

Eat at Casa san Ginés

‘Carne al barro’, meat cooked in clay, our speciality.

What most attracts customers is the house speciality, ‘carne al barro’, which is meat wrapped in thyme, rosemary and oregano and covered with pine leaves rolled in clay. Once sealed, this is placed in the oven, so it cooks in its own juices.

While we are in the meats section, we must mention the shoulder ham in cider with homemade apple and chestnut purée, seasonal stews and seasonal game.


Our recipes are always linked to seasonal products; if you want to find out more we recommend you check out our photos on Facebook or Instagram.

And, of course, to finish off the meal, some homemade spirits made from suspended orange, blackberries, coffee, sunflowers…

Visitors to Casa San Ginés will definitely enjoy the best gastronomy in Galicia.

Would you like to prepare our clay-cooked meat?

Would you like to prepare our clay-cooked meat? Would you like to prepare our clay-cooked meat? Don’t miss María’s appearance in the programme LARPEIROS on TVG explaining how to make our star dish (at 11:16).

Carne ao barro recipe

Don’t leave without trying it…


Traditional Galician stew


With corn, sardines and sea lettuce, mussels and codium seaweed… (first prize in the Bandeira empanada competition, a benchmark for gastronomic awards in Galicia).

Homemade desserts

Chestnut crème caramel, aniseed doughnuts, tocinillo de cielo, pumpkin bica…


Clay-cooked beef, free-range rooster, veal croquettes, or cow’s tail…


Stuffed lamprey, smoked salmon lareira style, pickled sardines and mackerel, fish stews, hake pie.

Our cheeses

Labneh, cow’s cheese, goat’s cheese, cottage cheese…